
August holds many gifts

Hello and welcome my lovelies! 💗

  First off… Thank you for being here!!

backyard sunset over the roses and plums and lemon balm

I want to share with you my knowledge and experiences of the extraordinary gifts our dear Mother Earth has to offer. Gaia, Jord, Goddess, Creatrix. With every harvest we can thank her for giving us sustenance and nourishment, and the healing tools to sustain our lives.


  As the height of our days dwindles, the harvest of Summer yields come upon us and we’re busy in the gardens, yards, fields, forests, and wilderness, to gather what we can and what’s available to nourish ourselves and our loved ones. Hopefully enough to sustain us through the ever approaching cold sleep of the earth. Honoring, of course, to leave more than we take and take only what will be used. I like the general rule of: for every ten, harvest one.

Yet the heat is still growing, and we can embrace the beauteous bounty of a multitude of herbs, flowers and fruits from our ever giving and generous Mother Earth. Comfrey, Yarrow, Chickweed and Plantain are but a few old and dear favorites of mine. Edible and healing are my two main attributes to what I look for in the plants that I grow and harvest. Hawthorn has become a new favorite in the past few years… She’s generous in harvest, with leaves, flowers, and berry all edible and ready for use in multiple applications. And those thorns are said to be excellent sewing needles … but maybe just for the fairy folk .. or at least those of better dexterity than these old fingers… 😉 

Lavender and Yarrow bundle

Let’s talk about moons and moods, plants and planets. Let’s talk about the many uses of herbs and trees and flowers and the wind that whispers through them all. Lets talk about energy. Because everything is made of energy. Everything IS energy…

Divine feminine

I offer to you magical wands of herbs, energy healing, tarot, and some magical suggestions and spells.

a vast array of heart loving plants to wrap for a smoke cleansing ritual

I hope you join me further on this journey of sharing and celebrating her generousness and abundance.

Let’s dance and sing in the moonlight, abandon all cares of what we ‘should’ be or do or say, and embrace the one-ness of nature and the universe. Come home to where the heart rules over all and love embraces and conquers. Where mother nature sings and whispers and shouts.

With gratitude and love,

Witchily yours,

Lazulia Onyxt



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