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- September's Harvest Moon
September's Harvest Moon
The Full Moon in Aries
It's Full Moon Friday!! ✨🌕🍂
Greetings my beautiful friends! Another Full Moon is upon us…
Precisely, tomorrow at 2:57 a.m.

The Harvest Moon. As the second harvest indicator of the year, after Lughnasadh, when the grains are ripe for the picking, the Harvest Moon reminds and encourages us to reap what we’ve sown in general. To indulge in the bounty of Mother Nature and all that she’s provided for us over the past months and year. Because yes, it is a year-long cycle that prepares the plants for their harvest, no matter when we do that. Many plants are ripe for the picking now, but some have been ready and hopefully gathered, up to several months ago. Yet some are still needing more time to come into their full bounty of goodness. Such are the poplar buds, ready only in the first few months of the (Gregorian calendar) year, and the Hawthorn Berries - ripe and abundant now, but wait until the first frost for Mother Nature to tap them with an extra touch of health and gloriousness.

But now… NOW!! We revel in the aliveness of a Harvest Moon in the fiery sign of Aries!! Have you felt it??.. I know i have. Sleepless nights, nightmares(!!!), which are highly unusual for me in the past few years, and the sheer energy of the air and life! I’ve been vibrating with intent and action to be taken. And yet it's a peaceable vibrating. I feel the winds of change upon us and I’m excited yet welcoming of what’s to come. A new day. A new way. A better ….. Everything!!
And so, as in true full moon fashion, it's time to release. As the moon dwindles, we too, shall diminish. Release what no longer serves us. Let go of what's bogging us down and holding us back.

And so I bid you farewell from inspiration, on this glorious of days and nights and time. In honor of our divine Lady Moon Goddess. 🌕
In exquisite anticipation of the next sabbat….. Sahmain. 🧡✨🖤
And so it is. So mote it be.
Witchily yours,
Lazula Onyxt