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the full Leo Moon
So here we are..
Its been a hot minute, or two…
What have you been manifesting?
Although my hiatus has at times gotten the better of me, i continue to dream big dreams and know that there is something bigger and better out there… for us all..
Tarot spread?..
Candle magic?..
As if by summoning… I am here again… spreading words of inspiration.. a desire to culminate all beings who wish to uplift themselves.. all who want more in this life.
Is this you?
Do you desire more?
More …. hope? More aspirations… more.. tenacity..
I reach for my cards…
the 7 of Swords…
Basically.. beware of underhanded tactics.. whether from others or your own doing. Are we being honest with ourselves.. Others?.. Are we being manipulated?
Perhaps you will soon move into a new environment, leaving someone or something behind. maybe that nagging boss….While taking with you what you need for future circumstances.
Let the full moon guide you on your path.
Blessings and light to my fellow and sister moon witches. May your days be bright and nights enchanted.